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快速到貨後真心覺得這個三門變頻冰箱推薦[103美國直購] iRobot 教育用機器人 Create 2 Programmable Robot 工程模組 No. RC65099」,是一款相當實用的產品,
也算解決我近期家中汰舊換新的困擾,那我們就來看看[103美國直購] iRobot 教育用機器人 Create 2 Programmable Robot 工程模組 No. RC65099開箱文吧...

1. 主機
2. 基地台
3. 電池
4. 通訊線
iRobot Create? 2 Programmable Robot Full Specifications
From beginner programmer to advanced robotics student, the iRobot Create 600 allows a variety of progamming methods. Use it connected to your laptop, with a microcontroller, or come up with your own solutions. What are some of the things I can do with iRobot Create 2?
Program movements, sounds and the LED display, as well as read all of the robot's onboard sensors
Add an external computer or microcontroller with additional sensors and actuators to transform Create into exactly the robot you want. Add a camera to build your own camera bot!
Use our 3D printable file to create a storage bin and ensure your additional electronics are safely housed within the robot's chassis
Package Dimensions: 18.25 x 16.75 x 5 inches
Package Weight: 11 lbs.
Robot Dimensions:13.39 inches in diameter, 3.62 inches in height
Robot Weight: 7.9 lbs.
What's In The Box:
iRobot Create 2 Programmable Ro洗衣機清潔劑bot
Rechargeable Battery
Home Base
Communication Cable
Create 2 is a remanufactured Roomba robot.

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